Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Second part of the exam :

1) Social sharing sites:
Social sharing sites are sites where any kind of person can share anything they want like photos, videos, files... . The goal is to interact like forums for example. People can share any kind of informations. Also, on several social sharing sites, you can create your own profile and others have access to it.
2 examples : http://www.facebook.com/, and also http://www.myspace.com

2)social sharing influence consumer's choice:
I think that people want to be more informed on that they are going to buy. For example, if they want to buy one product, they are going to check on social sharing sites in order to be advised.
They are going to believe another consumer's opinion , more than an advertising saying always that the product is perfect. Also, they are always looking for the best deal.
here is an article to support my assessment : iProspect Social Networking User Behavior Study

3) Like we read, hoteliers need to create conversations with online consumers. I think that hoteliers can use social networking. Like we saw in the article, social networking takes a useful turn. Also, I think that hoteliers should let consumers interact, let show their opinions. It would be easier for hoteliers to communicate with consumers.
So, I think that hoteliers should create a social sharing on their website, for example forums.... In this way, hoteliers can get a great impact on consumers.
2 examples : tablethotels and tripAdviser.

4)Can hotels effectively establish an online conversation with customers?

I think that hotels can establish effectively an online conversation with customers. Hoteliers can develop a great tool of communication with customers, so if they get their opinion it will be an effective online conversation. They will provide a better service than if they don't do it.
Also, it will show to the customers that hoteliers are interested in the customer's opinion so it will be a relationship of trust. And the interaction will be effective.
So, I really think that hoteliers have to develop online conversations with customers.


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