Wednesday, December 06, 2006

this article talks about the company marriot. Their website is very used by travelers. Marriot set a record with booking by the website. Their website gets a lot of visitors, half million per day.
Now They are updating their website with different tools.
I think that website are the new trend for hotels to grow because a lot of travelers are booking directly by the web. Besides, more and more leisure travelers are going on line. It is becoming important for hotels to develop their own website.


Blogger eac said...

Tell me more about why it is important for hotels to develop their own websites? Good start.

2:51 PM  
Blogger philippe said...

I think that if a hotel has his own website, it shows first of all his design and all kind of things that people want to see. People can be informed about everything, so they will book easily, or theyll call your hotel to check on informations. It happens a lot where I work. Those people asked me if this or that were right , and then they asked me to reserve a room for them. You ll be more competitive to create a website, your coverage will increase, an hotel can put everything on a website, ads, news, ... that can bring you new customers.

12:45 PM  

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